tattooed girl
tattooed girl

This was a cover up of a really bad tattoo I got when I was 15. Done by Phil at Phils Tattoos.
tattooed girl

My 2nd tattoo
tattooed girl

It’s upside down, so it’s not like you can easily tell what it is. I wanted to design a meaningful peacock feather for my foot. the “eye” of feather has the Eye of Horus incorporated into it. I think it’s cool, and completely different.
Got it in 2007 in Buffalo, NY
tattooed girl

crappy photo of what i got yesterday
tattooed girl

tattooed girl

This is actually two separate tattoos. I got the heart and rose done three years ago, and the writing done today.
tattooed girl

me (
photo taken by my boyfriend (
tattooed girl

My first.
tattooed girl

This sleeve is titled, “Chinita’s Dreamland” It tells a different story to each one who takes the time to look at it.