Friday, October 30, 2009

Sexy tattooed girl by Faye Garner

tattooed girl

tattoed girl



theworstcaseontario: (nashvillepussy)

tattooed girl

they can be as ridiculously hot any other tattoo if done right. personally i like symbols more than script. but y**h, would definitely be sickkk aslong as you had a lot of other tatts going on. obviously knuckles & nothing else would look a bit odd.

im hoping you’re 200% sure you want them cause they are the sort of tatts that will result in the majoirty of people judging you at face value from then on.

all my personal opinion tbh. im no expert. if you really wanna get them then do it, aslong as you love it who gives a f**k what everyone else thinks.

I'm thinking about getting knuckle tattoos. Whats your opinion of girls with knuckle tattoos?

tattooed girl

tattoed girl
