Friday, August 28, 2009

Hot female tattoo by Edwin Beard

female tattoo

Please do!
I have a Beatles tattoo if you'd like to see. It's not from Let it Be though..

female tattoo

woman with tattoo

amor vincit omnia: love conquers all;

This tattoo represents the relationship i have with my fiance. He has been in the Navy since May 2009 and overseas for 16 consecutive months now. In the last year and a half we’ve only had two weeks together.

There are some weeks we aren’t able to talk at all. Sometimes we go months without hearing each other’s voices and have never gotten to video chat because it is restricted on his ship. We don’t know when he will be granted leave as they are currently deployed. He is my best friend and I trust him with my whole world.

He takes care of me and I take care of him, simple as that.

My tattoo artist is ordained so we may get tattoo’d and married all in one shot when he comes home.

We are a true representation of “love conquers all”

amor vincit omnia: love conquers all;This tattoo represents the ...

female tattoo

woman with tattoo

my manly body :(

my manly body :(

female tattoo

woman with tattoo
